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My Work!

These are examples of the work I completed while pursuing my degree in Computer Programming at Aiken Technical College. Each image serves as a link to that project's code on my GitHub. In creating programs, my primary goals are efficiency and tidiness. I strive to write code that can be used repeatedly across multiple projects, and that can be easily understood by anyone who might need to use or edit it.

This was a pure HTML and CSS project to create a static web store for a fictional Halloween product company.

"> web design sample
This is the form page for the fictional Halloween product company.

This is a text adventure game written in C++ using linked lists. The game itself is a take on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Euridyce. For this project I was able to incorporate my passion for writing by taking the original myth and reworking it to be engaging as a step-by-step adventure.

This Visual Basic sample takes in user input to create a mailing label, and outputs it in the text area of the window. The checkbox was included for a little bit of fun, to hide or show the picture of the puppy depending on the state of the checkbox.

This ASP project takes in user input for values to use in a calculation. The type of calculation to perform is determined by which of the two radio buttons has been selected.

This project sample is the script used to create a database for a fictional painting company.

This is a simple sales tax calculator written in Javascript.

This is the XML code from an Android phone app that will create a random workout from a SQLite database. The app comes pre-loaded with an assortment of exercises, and the user is able to create, modify, or delete exercises from the database as they wish.

This is the Java code from an Android phone app that will create a random workout from a SQLite database. The app comes pre-loaded with an assortment of exercises, and the user is able to create, modify, or delete exercises from the database as they wish.

This project is a timer with different pre-set times to brew different types of tea. It also includes a custom timer that can be set for up to 15 minutes. When each timer finishes it sends an alert and displays a random tea fact pulled from a database.

This is a clock face created for a Fitbit Versa watch, built with Javscript, SVG, and CSS. The information displayed on the face is pulled from the device itself. The graphics are all original. The clock itself is modeled after Nixie tube clocks. The gears in the lower left and the heart in the upper left are animated. The fill on the battery in the upper right changes based on the battery's charge level.

This project was created with PHP, HTML, and CSS. It contains a database with tables for fictional Videos and their Production Studios. The user can add videos under existing studios, or create new studios to add new videos under.